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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is getting annoying...

SERIOUSLY, you guys. This guy needs to get a life. Saying my real name out to the world and virtually stalking me is SO lame. Making another account and voting on the poll twice is lame. Framing that I deleted your posts is lame. Copying my posts is lame. Coping the comments made on that post is even dumber.


Anonymous said...

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Cruz said...

that is SO lame and hun most of knew your real name cuz its on your email and you email lots of us... just like I'm sure most know my real name, we all just have the decency not to go blurting out on the interweb

Cruz said...

btw love ya *hugglz*

c said...

some people are just jerks. posting personal things onto the internet is just rude if its about someone else. im really sorry that the kid made that blog. everything u said on this post is true. it is all lame and dumb.


Dibsy said...

Cruz: THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! >.< It's not set to private so now the whole world knows my name!!! D:
C: -cry and hug-

Cuppy said...

gah. what a...a...BIG FAT NASTY JERKFACE!!!!!!!! hhmph. Hope he leaves you alone.

Dibsy said...

I hope so, too. D:

Levi said...

Big fat nasty jerkface doesn't even cover it. :l

Karma's going to be a bitch to him though. :o

Dibsy said...

LEVI!!!! -runs to in slow motion, tears streaming dramatically down her face, and embraces in a long flourishing pattern- You say you're leaving yet you've commented more than usual. :D

Emerald said...

Hey, thanks for all the e-mails Dibsy! :D
It's really fun talking with you!

Dibsy said...

You'e welcome! :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Aly K. said...

That guy is a jerk. I'm so sorry, Dibs. *hug* That's really mean of him. You should try to report him to blogger somehow or something.

Dibsy said...

-hugglez back- I won't, but it still hurts. :(

Emerald said...

Remy Ma, you need to get your face out from the cement and see that this has obviously upset Dibsy a lot.
Not trying to be mean, so please don't hate me for trying to help.

Dibsy said...

Thanks... ^^

Anonymous said...
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