Which story would you rather have Dibsy write about?

Considering you voted on the poll above, would you read the story?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

GAME FOR ALL BLOGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A GAME FOR ALL BLOGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you all know, I FINALLY posted some advertisements...HURRAY!!!

I'm not allowed to ENCOURAGE or TELL you to click on my ads...BUT YOU KNOW THAT IT'D MAKE ME HAPPY IF YOU DID, RIGHT?????

Well actually, I didn't post this through AdSense, I posted it through Html. So I don't know if I still have to abide by the rules or not... :D Oh wellz, it only takes like three seconds from your life and it's not like it's gonna give you a virus... ^^

Anyways, in celebration that I am now actually, technically, working online, and the fact that I'm only a mere, nearly unstable 12 year old. :P

SO HERE'S THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't start technically now, because I need assign people, and stuff.

FIRST OFF, I want THREE JUDGES. Comment on the post below with this copy and paste pledge of judgely unbiasedness:

I, insert awesome blogger name here, HEREBY VOW!!!! To not be biased against ANY competitor because they are my FRIEND, my ENEMY, my STRANGER, or my STALKER. (eyes Jeremy angrily) As a JUDGE I understand that I CANNOT nominate myself, I can only NOMINATE OTHERS. (Bu they hve to agree first!) I know that I will know the INSIDE DETAILS of the game, the WINNER, the LOSER, and the inbetween...and I'm not going to tell anybody who's playing!!!!! My email address is insert email address here! (I need it to email you guys, and stuff about the game)

Also, my email is :D

Also, if you want to be a judge and it's already full, I can always suggest to you to be a competitor!!!

While on that topic...


  1. Can nominate for him/her self.
  2. Or anyone else, as long as they have their consent.
  3. Has to include email address
OK????? Got it?? Get it??? GOOD!!!

Here's how THIS contest goes...

It's, (how original) a MOST AWESOME BLOG AWARD!!!!! For THIS contest, only a max of 11 participants. If you're not in, there's always OTHER CONTESTS!!!

It's basically like Homecoming King or Queen. :D Person with the most AWE votes win!!! ^^" (You can't vote for yourself!!! >:O) OH, and when I have everyone, you have to vote PRIVATELY. (This means, you have to EMAIL ME your vote) I don't want the person with the least votes going "boohoo", it'll make me feel bad. D:

If you vote, you can vote up to six people. :D

The prize is a virtual trophy, bragging rights, a post (mostly) about yourself. :D



YAY!!! It's like The Dibsy Show, where I give you a random topic and the participants start rambling on something funny and amusing that is (somehow, even vaguely) related to that topic. :D

For further info, check out these posts!!!

Anyways, the only difference is that this time we can have up to 4-8 contestants.



Dibsy said...


Also, something's wrong with you r blog. No one can comment on it.

Jyo said...

interesting. I'll try it...
I, Speak and be Heard, HEREBY VOW!!!! To not be biased against ANY competitor because they are my FRIEND, my ENEMY, my STRANGER, or my STALKER. As a JUDGE I understand that I CANNOT nominate myself, I can only NOMINATE OTHERS. (But they hve to agree first!) I know that I will know the INSIDE DETAILS of the game, the WINNER, the LOSER, and the inbetween...and I'm not going to tell anybody who's playing!!!!! My email address is!

Cruz said...

sounds cool XD

White Forest said...

im confused.....

White Forest said...

WARNING: your blog has just been rigged with a highly dangerous explosive. remain calm, and forward this nonsense -excuse me- nucince to everyone you know.

you have 10 minutes.

have a nice day :)

Technicolor Nail Polish said...

GAH!! CONTEST!!!! -has had bad experiences with contests- oh well, At least I can watch! ^^

Leah said...


Dibsy said...


Cruz: Then play!!!! :D
White Forest: D: WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THAT?!?!?!
Alex: FINE!!! -sniffs- Ok!! ^^"
Leah: Oh noez, you still have a chance!!! >.<

c said...

i will be a voter! and i can't wait to see the results. unfortunately i am super busy and can't participate as a judge or a contestant. =(

But i will be an awesome voter!

Leah said...

I'm sorry, Dibsy, but I might have to neglect your blog for a while, because every time I see "Game for all bloggers" I think of 'the game' and I lose. And then I have to tell someone. And it's rather annoying.

White Forest said...

i am shpreading evil!!! hehehe
vish mishter kitty...
and our bedazzler...

im still confused