My friend and I were at our old elementary school and decided to go to the cemetary right across the street from our school. Awesomely, the cemetary is where Micheal Jackson was buried.
Anyways, we just walked around the graves and big hills and castles and stuff. Her name is Josie and she was holding a latte...actually from 7-11, but let's just say it's from Starbucks.
Josie and I aren't actually that close, we're just friends. Like, if friends were on a closeness to distance scale, we'd be a 5.
- Uber close-you're attached to each to each other
- Very close-it's like your arms are stitched to each others!
- Really close-it's like a permaneant hug!
- Close-like hand in hand close
- Don't talk much to each other, but would be close if they had a chance-like wrapping around your elbow close
- Don't see much of each other, probably shoulder to shoulder
- Don't speak OR see much to each other, probably arm to arm
- Don't EVEN speak to each other-turned away close
- Don't even SEE each other-like across the room close
- Don't even SEE or TALk to each other close, but know of each other-acquaintances, in two different rooms
Anyways, at first we though we were there just because we were bored, and then we thought we were there to see Michael Jackson's grave. But mostly we just walked around.
Anyways, halfway into the cemetary walk we saw a castle, so we tried hiking up there, before we saw Ana and her bf Jerry, where we talked and got introduced to Jerry before I checked the time.
Anyways, I had to get back to the elementary school really quickly because I had to go pick up some kids, so I started to run down the big grassy hills, the soil sprinkled with millions of tombstones.
I ignored Josie's screaming at me to come back and smiled as I heard her footsteps pounding across the grass next to mine.
So we were just running and screaming down the hills, laughing our way down, Josie's latte going spolsh splosh splosh against her plastic cup, surrounded by dead souls.
We were practically hyperventilating when we reached the bottom.
It's kind of hard to describe the kind of awesomeness I felt. It's kind of ironic to see two girls, really ALIVE and HAPPY, surrounded by millions of dead people.
Anyways, we went jaywalking back.
Sounds like you had a good time. I'm glad. ^^
And hey, we still haven't chatted yet. :(
We gotta some time soon tho! :o
Sorry for absolutely never commenting. Your closeness scale is like, exactly right! MJ is dead around where you live? Cool! I like to run with Starbucks too(: Gives me a purpose! Great blog.
Emereld: Maybe after we're both done with all the finals. D:
Ada: Oh, so you're HERE! =O
oh, irony. 'tis a good thing. XD and that's a really good ironic situation, too. I enjoyed it quite thoroughly.
I love cemetaries. they're sooo cool. especially at night.
lol now that i think about it... =D
cup...cup???? is that...izzat you? -blinks-cries--hugs- I LOVE YOU!
fun in a grave yard. I love it!! haaha. sounds like a nice time :)
Oh hem, Dibsy, I forgot to mention, I let you take over the blog Ommmmg. :)
I decided it's not really my thing, but I know it's your so!!!!
Enjoy! :D
There used to be a cemetery near my elementary school too. I still remember when my gym teacher made us run laps around it. I hated that.
That sounds epically exciting. :) I'm glad you had such a great time. Sorry I haven't commented in so long. D: LYLAS! God bless! *hugglefy*
Well, that is, if you celebrate it.
Have a good one Dib!
- Emerald
Wow dibsy, your getting blog spam. that's annoying. they go after my dad's blog so bad, he actually pays my sibs and me if we clean it off. I haven't been on blogger in forever, it seems. I'm glad to see you're doing well. :D
yes, let us not even start on "marred".
@ Anonymous: Youuuu go bug someone else, stop spamming my friends. >:P
@ Dibsy:
Dibseeeeeeeeeeey!!! Where did you go to! We miss you! :(
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